Saturday, November 8, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth (Summary)

An Inconvenient Truth is a documentary movie talking about the growing issue of global warming. Al Gore a previous congress and used to be a presidential candidate, says that its us, the people, who are helping in growing global warming and that every one living in this earth need to do something about it before it’s late.The reasons he showed were many, such as the rising temperature of the oceans, the increasing levels of carbon dioxide, the continuous rainfalls and many other reasons. He also gave us evidence for his reasons. The evidence he gave for the oceans heating up is that hurricanes, are becoming much worse that ever and one of the hurricanes he mentioned was hurricane Katrina. As for the carbon dioxide levels he showed a graph about CO2 levels in a period of time. The graph showed that the amount of CO2 in the present is far more than any period of time in the past. Finally he showed pictures of huge floods and testimonies of citizens as an evidence for the rainfalls.In general the film was good and inspiring. The global warming issue is indeed a dangerous problem and could affect every living being. All of the issues Al Gore mentioned were supported and he gave examples for each one what helped him in delivering the point

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